Very successful businesses have this in common; their owners, executives and their managers get
Businesses that hire a coach achieve a return on their investment anywhere from 30% - 580%. *
Study conducted by McGovern, Lindemann, Vergara, Murphy, Barker and Warrenfeltz with Manchester, Inc. & another recent study by Metrix Global.

How does coaching work?
Coaching works by
Setting goals that align with you.
Clarifying what has stopped or prevented you from reaching your goals in the past.
Clearing success prevention blocks on three levels; physical, emotional, and spiritual.
Co-strategizing approaches that work best for you to achieve what you want.
Supporting you every step in achieving your goals.
You will sense if your coach cares about your success, course corrects your strategies, and helps navigate through your shortcomings in a way that feels safe. (Yes, they should also challenge you).
The right coach for you will get you on multiple planes. They are your silent business partner invested in your success.
Even though you can make substantial transformations with just one session, most coaching challenges have been going on for some time. It takes a commitment to stay with your process until you've mastered what you've come to coaching for.
What can I expect coaching to do for me?
Just listen to what high-level executives have to say:
77% of working relationships with their employees improved
71% of working relationships with their immediate supervisors improved
67% of their group teamwork improved
63% noticed improvement in their peer working relationships
61% have greater job satisfaction
53% noticed an increase in personal productivity
52% noticed a reduction in workplace conflict
*Study conducted by MetrixGlobal LLC
Who We Work With
Powerful & True works with three types of clients; management and their teams, family businesses, and business partnerships.

Why coach with Pamela & Her Team?
Pamela is no stranger to leadership and conflict - one example is when she worked in law enforcement, she was responsible for civilian groups of 1,000 plus.
She can confidently say "Been there, done that, you probably won't want to go there" with humor and compassion.
Most conflict resolution methods are experienced as:
Unrelatable and therefore not worth the effort
Too complex
Too intimidating to act on
Not sticking over the long term
Too generic and not flexible
Our Conflict Resolution Leadership methods:
Are practical from everyone's viewpoint
Quickly get to the source of the issue
Eliminate guesswork through the use of proven assessments
Balance the learning through both training (short-term) and coaching (long-term)
Consider us your blanket of support, setting you up for success - it's our job to make you look good to the people you work with.
Our 50+ LinkedIn testimonials reflect an uncanny ability to assist upper and middle management leaders reclaim their disenchanted teams and workplaces in a way that will work for them.
Our coach leadership fortes are mastering mindset, perspective-shifting, boundary setting, advancing communication, resolving conflict, and raising the quality of life both at work and at home.
We invite you to do your research. Interview other coaches. Then, come back to us, and you will know immediately if we are right for you.

"Over the course of a year, Pamela is responsible for the single greatest achievement to date in my coaching career; she got me to believe in my value. Because of this, my rates increased 8X."
-Ken Proctor
Do you offer more?
We offer a certification coach training program; Quantum Coach & Mentorship is designed to teach you advanced communication, conflict interventions and resolution, active and deep listening, and high-grade questioning skills, plus we include our Instant Transformation Technique training.
The Instant Transformation Technique focuses on releasing emotional blockages that stop or stand in the way of emotional and physical healing. We utilize an advanced Instant Miracle technique, and an advanced level of Peace Process, as well as ancestral healing, and forgiveness therapy, plus we, teach you how to muscle test with confidence.